Welcome RRYHA members!

To the new home of the RRYHA and all it's programs!

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Friday - 1:00pm
Number 2 seed
The Reading Junior Royals
IceWorks Skating Complex
Saturday - 7:30am
Haverford Hawks
The Reading Junior Royals
Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex
Saturday - 11:45am
Valley Forge Colonials
Reading Selects - Mite C
Spring Mountain Adventures
Saturday - 3:15pm
Hershey Jr Bears
The Reading Junior Royals
York Ice Arena
Saturday - 7:10pm
Altoona Trackers
The Reading Junior Royals
York Ice Arena
Sunday - 8:00am
Wissahickon Warriors
The Reading Junior Royals
Santander Arena
Sunday - 10:45am
Rinx Hockey
The Reading Junior Royals
Regency Sportsrink
Monday - TBD
Presidents Day Tournament
The Reading Junior Royals
York Ice Arena
2/22 - 8:00am
Exton Dyna-mites
The Reading Junior Royals
2/22 - 9:15am
Campus Wild 'B'
Reading Selects - Mite C
The Campus
3/7 - TBD
St. Patty’s Day Smackdown
The Reading Junior Royals
3/8 - TBD
St. Patty’s Day Smackdown
The Reading Junior Royals
3/8 - TBD
St Pattys Day Smackdown
The Reading Junior Royals
3/8 - 7:30am
Campus Wild B
Reading Selects - Mite C
The Campus
3/15 - 9:00am
Quakers A Breeden
The Reading Junior Royals

About Us:

The Reading Royals Youth Hockey Association (RRYHA) is an organization providing ice hockey programs and training for children and youth based in and around Berks County, Pennsylvania. Established in 2019, RRYHA is dedicated to promoting the sport of ice hockey and developing players' skills and abilities in a positive and supportive environment.

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